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Graduation Projects 2024

Graduation Projects 2024From The Animation Workshop 2024 now live The Animation Workshop’s Graduation Projects from 2024 now live WeAnimate 2024-02-05 | wam#0026 It’s always exciting to see the latest graduate projects from The Animation Workshop, and WeAnimate...

Mads Vadsholt

Throw caution to the wind and the universe will followMads Vadsholt’s creative process designing games Throw caution to the wind and the universe will follow: Mads Vadsholt’s creative process designing games WeAnimate 2024-01-08 | wam#0025 Digital artist and composer...

The Hangman at Home

“I want to see this type of work in libraries, museums, and art galleries”Expanding the boundaries of VR and animation with The Hangman at Home “I want to see this type of work in libraries, museums, and art galleries” Expanding the boundaries of VR and animation with...

Titina Takes to the Sky

Titina Takes to the Sky With Mikrofilm Titina Takes to the Sky This fall, Norway’s prestigious Mikrofilm launches their most ambitious film to date. Titina is an epic animated adventure, seen through the eyes of a small dog. It sheds new light on an often overlooked...