Meet Plastic
The legendary annual party that takes place during Viborg Animation Festival.

WeAnimate 2024-06-04 | wam#0041
The Plastic Collective is arguably best known for the legendary annual party that takes place during Viborg Animation Festival. The Plastic headquarters reflects the playful, quirky nature of the organization, making it an almost irresistible destination after a day of screenings. This September, when the WeAnimate team dropped by, there was a loving tribute to Paul Bush in one of the small upstairs rooms, and absolutely everyone was there. The party quickly spilled out onto the unseasonably warm street, and had to be corralled when the police arrived. In other words, it was a great party. But what is Plastic Collective?

What it Is
Plastic Collective is a dynamic creative association that has quickly become a fixture in the animation culture of Viborg, with talent and projects that are reverberating throughout the region. The Plastic Collective is a workplace, an arts organization, a funding mechanism, and a resource center where members can work, hang out, collaborate, and create new projects and opportunities.
Founded in 2019, the initial idea of the collective was to create a framework for collaboration and sharing skills. The members wanted a structure with more independence and flexibility than a studio, and more opportunities for large scale projects than typical freelance jobs. Today, the collective includes artists, animators, game developers, programmers, producers, and various combinations of other skillsets. The Plastic portfolio is a showcase of these works, produced by members independently, or in collaboration with each other.

How it Works
Plastic is a registered collective, with legal and business designation as a cultural association. Designation as a cultural association allows for different types of funding, and makes new and different types of partnerships possible. Each member is a registered business owner, with the skills and resources to work independently, while simultaneously contributing to and benefitting from the collective. When members propose Plastic projects, they are themselves responsible for managing that project, and pay a percentage of the project funding to Plastic as administrative and reporting fees.
Plastic has two levels of membership: one for members who will be present and using workspace at the Plastic headquarters in Viborg, and one for members who live and work elsewhere.
In addition to the big VAF party, Plastic hosts various social and community events, often including Animation Workshop students and visitors, helping them learn about Plastic and get more involved in the community.

What’s Next
Plastic Collective is partnering with Viborg UNESCO Creative City and The Animation Workshop to develop an artist-in-residency program. While many programs are designed to support young talent, there are fewer resources for adult professionals in the digital arts, so this new program aims to meet that need. The collective will host 3-4 artist residencies in 2024, and has already secured funding and support from TAW and Viborg Kommune.
For an organization as flexible, dynamic, and creative as Plastic, these projects are just the beginning. Stay tuned to see what they accomplish next, stop by next year’s party, and visit for more information about Plastic and how you can get involved. And make sure to attend the Plastic Party as part of Viborg Animation Festival; it’s legendary!

Text: Rebekah Villon
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